
The Bank the Bank of England, Britain's central bank:

• The Bank is worried that strong demand for labour could lead to higher wages and prices.

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bank UK US /bæŋk/ noun [C]
BANKING, FINANCE an organization where people and businesses can keep, invest, or borrow money, exchange currencies, etc., or a building where these services are offered: »

The bank gave me a loan to start my new business.


All the major domestic and foreign banks were affected by the crisis.

in the bank »

At that time, we had very little money in the bank.

put/pay sth into the bank »

Your fee will be paid directly into the bank.

take sth out of the bank »

They had taken all of their cash out of the bank.


I need to go to the bank at lunch time.


The bank has branches in most major towns.

[C] an amount of something that is kept to be used: »

Our company offers an unparalleled bank of information on the real-estate business.

the Bank — Cf. the Bank
See also ACCEPTANCE BANK(Cf. ↑acceptance bank), ADVISING BANK(Cf. ↑advising bank), AGENT BANK(Cf. ↑agent bank), AGRICULTURAL BANK(Cf. ↑agricultural bank), CENTRAL BANK(Cf. ↑central bank), CLEARING BANK(Cf. ↑clearing bank), COMMERCIAL BANK(Cf. ↑commercial bank), CONFIRMING BANK(Cf. ↑confirming bank), COOPERATIVE BANK(Cf. ↑cooperative bank), CORRESPONDENT BANK(Cf. ↑correspondent bank), CREDIT BANK(Cf. ↑credit bank), DATABANK(Cf. ↑databank), DEVELOPMENT BANK(Cf. ↑development bank), ELIGIBLE BANK(Cf. ↑eligible bank), EXPORT-IMPORT BANK(Cf. ↑Export-Import Bank), THE EUROPEAN CENTRAL BANK(Cf. ↑the European Central Bank), THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK(Cf. ↑the Federal Reserve Bank), HIGH STREET BANK(Cf. ↑high street bank), INVESTMENT BANK(Cf. ↑investment bank), JOINT-STOCK BANK(Cf. ↑joint-stock bank), LAND BANK(Cf. ↑land bank), LEAD BANK(Cf. ↑lead bank), MERCHANT BANK(Cf. ↑merchant bank), MONEY CENTRE BANK(Cf. ↑money centre bank), MUTUAL SAVINGS BANK(Cf. ↑mutual savings bank), NATIONAL BANK(Cf. ↑national bank), PAYING BANK(Cf. ↑paying bank), PRIVATE BANK(Cf. ↑private bank), RESERVE BANK(Cf. ↑reserve bank), RETAIL BANK(Cf. ↑retail bank), SAVINGS BANK(Cf. ↑savings bank), SHADOW BANK(Cf. ↑shadow bank), STATE BANK(Cf. ↑state bank), STOCK SAVINGS BANK(Cf. ↑stock savings bank), UNIVERSAL BANK(Cf. ↑universal bank), WHOLESALE BANK(Cf. ↑wholesale bank), THE WORLD BANK(Cf. ↑the World Bank)
bank UK US /bæŋk/ verb [I or T]
BANKING to keep your money in a particular bank, or to put money into a bank: bank with sb »

I've banked with Lloyd's for many years.


She banked most of the prize money she had received.

to earn or win a particular amount of money: »

The former governor banked more than $135,000 in speaking fees.

Financial and business terms. 2012.

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  • bank — bank1 [baŋk] n. [ME banke < MFr banque < OIt banca, orig., table, moneylenders exchange table < OHG bank, bench: see BANK2] 1. an establishment for receiving, keeping, lending, or, sometimes, issuing money, and making easier the exchange …   English World dictionary

  • Bank — Bank, n. [F. banque, It. banca, orig. bench, table, counter, of German origin, and akin to E. bench; cf. G. bank bench, OHG. banch. See {Bench}, and cf. {Banco}, {Beach}.] 1. An establishment for the custody, loan, exchange, or issue, of money,… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

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  • bank — Ⅰ. bank [1] ► NOUN 1) the land alongside or sloping down to a river or lake. 2) a long, raised mound or mass: mud banks. 3) a set of similar things grouped together in rows. ► VERB 1) heap or form into a mass or mound. 2) …   English terms dictionary

  • bank — {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. mnż IIa, D. u {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} instytucja zajmująca się obrotem pieniędzmi: przyjmowaniem wkładów i wypłacaniem odsetek, udzielaniem kredytów, emisją banknotów,… …   Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień

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